This blog is dedicated to the memory of my beloved father. I was inspired to write it more recently for several reasons. One reason is that sense his passing on August 27, 2004 the lessons that he taught and that I "caught" from him are so much more clearer and relevant to me. Not because I necessarily didn't appreciate him while he was living, but because we truly are not able to understand another's journey without spending time in there shoes. My dilema has always been that his were big shoes to fill. But I admit right after he died I found myself in situations where the knowledge he left is what kept me going and informed my decisions.
Another reason for this blog is that around this time last year several people were telling me how they missed my father as well. These people weren't biological relatives. They were individuals whose lives were touched by my father. i have heard many young men say that my father was the only father figure they had ever had. And so these words are for them also.
Yet another reason for this writing is for those like my nieces and nephews and my unborn children who will not get to hear him say certain things or will not know him the way we did.
And finally, I would have to thank my dear friend Tameka Cooksey Horton for prompted me to move out of my haziness and really press to write and record "Diamonds from my Daddy". Tameka has founded an organization DADpr: Daughter's Advocating for Daddy's parental rights. To help raise funds for this much needed organization, Tameka has requested that whosoever will write and submit a story etc. about their relationship with their father's and lessons learned from him. This book compilation is titled "Diamonds from My Daddy". At the time of this writing submissions are still being added. Their cause can be found on Facebook.
So now I know I must write. Sweet Lessons from Sugar, is a blog dedicated to my father "Sugar" Ben Hart ( A legend in his time and a legacy since his passing. So I hope you enjoy this and find some nuggets to bless you in your life.